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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Lessons From Mason

Last week was hard.  It was a week of difficult, painful decisions and then the emotional upheaval resulting from those choices made.  It was a time of saying good-bye to a long-time, faithful friend and companion.  Last week was a moment in time that felt as if things would never be the same again... and so far, that feeling lingers on.

Sometimes love is glorious and happy, but sometimes love is difficult and agonizing.  Love is hardest when we are called to make a decision that doesn't feel good to us for the sake of the well-being of the one we love.  Perhaps one of the greatest lessons we can ever learn in life is that real love is never selfish.  Real love requires that we put someone's best interest before our personal desires.

I think God may have brought Mason into our lives to teach us valuable lessons that we could not have learned without his help.  From Mason, we learned that everyone needs to feel as if coming home is the greatest thing we can do for those who love us.  We should never be ashamed to run out the back door, across the lawn, and into the arms of someone who returns home to share our love with them.  Perhaps they're coming home from a horrible day at work or a hurtful experience at school, but that shouldn't matter to those waiting there at home.  It's all about reminding loved ones that home is a good place, a safe place, a place where we will always find acceptance.

Mason taught us that even the little pleasures in life are significant.  A bowl of popcorn and a cold drink-- when shared with someone we love, those small pleasures become gigantic memories that will last a lifetime.  A warm arm around our shoulder or a gentle kiss on the cheek can make all the difference in someone's day.  Sometimes, just sitting beside that person and listening intently... keeping our focus on that one singular person for a time... making eye contact so that he or she knows you are hearing what they have to say-- those moments in time speak volumes about the depth of our love.

From Mason, we learned that it is our responsibility to watch over those we love and protect them from potential harm, to the best of our abilities.  Most of our days will be quiet and non-eventful, but when danger approaches, we must be willing to put ourselves out in front of our loved ones to fearlessly face the onslaught. When we know we are loved and that home is a safe place, we can lie down to sleep peacefully.  We can expose our weakest parts and most intimate feelings without fear of being hurt, because we will know that those we love so deeply love us in return.  As we have protected them, so will they protect us. 

God brought Mason into our lives to teach us that love does not hinge on how we look, what we own, or even how we smell.  Love transcends all things.  Love trusts and can be trusted in return.  And sometimes, love hurts.

Last week, love meant letting go of Mason so that his suffering could come to an end.  It meant putting his needs before our wants.  And oh, how that love did hurt as we said good-bye.  But I believe with all my heart that Mason knew he was loved... and there is no doubt that Mason loved us all.  Now, Mason runs the open fields of heaven.  He was a loyal, faithful friend.  Mason was a good dog, and we will miss him.

  "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
(I Corinthians 13:4-7)

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