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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off, and ...

It is very hard to admit failure.  Although it's been said that we learn more from our failures than we do from our successes, that is very little comfort when we're staring at ourselves in the mirror wondering where we went wrong.  Sometimes we're faced with more than one failure at a time, too.  Failure hurts... it makes us think we're not really worth much.  When facing failure, we really only have minimal options:
1.  Blame someone else-  Sometimes we resort to blaming others in a futile attempt to exonerate ourselves.  No one likes to admit that they've dropped the ball in some way.  Shifting the responsibility to someone else, anyone else, just feels easier than accepting the responsibility for ourselves.
2.  Make excuses-  Time got away from us.  We just couldn't manage the challenges.  No one else cares, so why should I.  The list of excuses is endless, but all the excuses in the world won't change the failure we face.
3.  Resign to acceptance of our failure-  This option stinks because it only condemns us to living in regret for what might have been. 
4.  Stand up, take responsibility, and start fresh-  Sounds easy, but this option takes guts.  Admitting failure, especially to others, is not an easy thing to do.  It may be even harder to admit to ourselves.  However, it is the recognition and admission of failing that provides us with the place to start over.

I started this blog last year and have fallen woefully short of my initial intention for it.  I allowed busyness to get in the way.  After a few weeks of making excuses as to why I couldn't post something new, I just began to forget all about this venue of personal expression.  Even with well over 1900 views around the world, I convinced myself that no one was really interested in what I have to say anyway.  So, I just wandered off and stopped writing... and I feel ashamed and sorry for that.

If you have been a reader, please accept my apology.  I can only offer you this:  I will try hard to be more faithful to my blog and to remember that if something I write resonates with just one other person somewhere in this world, it will be worth the effort.  Life is hard and we can use all the encouragement we can find along the way.  Here I am once again.  I pray that the Lord will use this blog for His glory and for the edification of others.  No blame, no excuses, no resignation... just a willingness to stand up, dust myself (and my keyboard) off, and start again.

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