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Monday, November 11, 2013

Venturing Out From the Familiar

We are all faced with making tough decisions in life.  Like most people, I find myself comfortable with the familiar and unsettled with the idea of stepping into the unknown.  Because of that, I sometimes try to put off making decisions which will require a change in the status quo for myself.  Try as I may, sooner or later the time comes when I can no longer side-step the issue and I am forced to make a choice.

Recently, I have struggled with just such a situation and have been restless, ill at ease, and pretty much plain miserable having not made a definite decision.  Last Sunday morning our pastor preached a sermon on Jonah.  It's a familiar story to all of us.  Jonah was called by God to go to the people of Nineveh and preach a message of repentance, but rather than deal with the personal discomfort that might mean for him, Jonah took off in the opposite direction, trying to avoid and hide from Almighty God.  Because of his choice, not only was Jonah put in a dangerous situation at sea, but his actions also threatened the well being of the other men on his ship.  The rest of the story is well known to me, but the truth is I didn't even hear the rest of the story that morning.  Sitting on that pew, the Holy Spirit spoke to me at a very personal level.  By trying to avoid making an uncomfortable decision, not only had I suffered the effects of a restless and unfulfilled spirit, but I was also putting the peace of others at risk... my husband, in particular.  At the close of the sermon an altar call was given, and I knelt there before God to ask for forgiveness and clear direction.  The Spirit spoke clearly to my heart... "A double-minded man should expect nothing from God.  He (or she) is like a boat tossed about on the waves, unstable in all he/she does."  Despite all the inner turmoil I had been dealing with for weeks, I determined then to make a final decision and place my trust in God to correct any error I might make.  At that very moment a heavy weight was lifted from my soul and I felt a peace descend upon my heart for the first time in months.  That peace has remained with me from that moment to now.

Not all the choices we ever face will be so difficult, but from time to time we are called to make a decision that we would rather avoid.  Often, the path ahead is uncertain and we feel far more comfortable remaining right where we are in life.  The familiar is our security blanket, while the unknown feels frightening to us.  At those times we must pray for clear direction, listen to the voice of God as He speaks to our heart, then muster up our courage and step forward in faith, regardless of whether or not we understand it all.

This is not the first time I have ever needed to step forward in faith, trusting God to prepare the way and lead me where He would have me go.  What troubles me is that each time I've had to struggle a little with wanting my own way, rather than yielding immediately to the Lord's will.  Whenever that happens, I find myself torn apart spiritually and emotionally until I finally come to my senses and agree to do what God is leading me to do.  Then, when in obedience and faith I step forward with confidence in my Father, peace always follows. 
God's directions and His timing are always perfect.

"Be careful [anxious] for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
(Philippians 4:6-7)

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