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Monday, December 23, 2013

"Don't Worry, Be Happy!"

Today's blog continues to look at some of the causes for depression as identified by the World Health Organization.  A few of these are fairly surprising, though certainly in keeping with the "modern" world in which most of us live.

     End of a television show or movie:  According to Dr. Emily Moyer-Guse' (a PhD at Ohio State University), "People experience distress when their patterns of television and movie watching are primarily for companionship."  Now that is sad!  There are people out there who have chosen an electronic box as their companion in life, and when it brings some sense of separation to them, they fall into depression.  My word, whatever happened to finding satisfaction in a clean home, service to the church and its ministries, a healthy and well-prepared meal for someone, or enlightenment by reading a Scripturally sound book?  The Bible is very clear in its call to use our time wisely and for God-honoring activities:
"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is."
(Ephesians 5:15-17)

"Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time."
(Colossians 4:5)

     Pastor Tom Shepard has written:  "Here is a FACT: Godliness is the result of a disciplined spiritual life. But at the heart of a disciplined spiritual life is the discipline use of time."  When watching television or movies becomes so important to us and takes a central focus in our lives, we are not in line with God's will for the use of our time.  The artificial worlds created by the entertainment industry are just that... artificial; and they are a poor substitute for true human companionship, hard work, and Bible study.  The solution is so simple:  TURN OFF THE BOOB TUBE!!  Find meaningful work, cultivate Godly friendships, and concentrate on Christian service and you will find little need to immerse yourself in fantasy.

     Internet Addiction:  Now this issue is surely a sign of our present times.  Internet addiction is especially prevalent in the lives of teens and preteens.  Spending inordinate amounts of time on the internet produces unrealistic expectations of the world, reduces real-life interactions, results in a serious lack of personal companionship, and is certain to provide unhealthy exposure to negative influences.  Parents must take charge of the computer, limiting access and time spent... always completely aware of what their children are viewing on the internet and what contacts they are having with other users.  Too often, the computer is being used much as the television is and has been used... as an electronic babysitter that allows parents the freedom to engage in their own selfish desires with little concern for the safety and well-being of their children.  Teens and preteens are not alone in this newest form of addiction, though.  Social media sites spring up overnight, internet dating services are a lucrative (if not downright dangerous) new fad, and even things like blogging can be misused by individuals, resulting in a whole host of pressures and stress that may lead to depression.  Used appropriately and with disciplined restraint, the internet and all it has to offer can be a blessing.  It allows us to reach out across hundreds and even thousands of miles to loved ones.  It affords the opportunity to minister through the written word and even recorded messages of faith and encouragement.  It is only when time on the computer begins to interfere with our daily accomplishments and responsibilities that it becomes a problem.  Like anything, abusing the privilege of access to the internet gives Satan the opportunity to pervert and distort it in our lives.  To paraphrase a well known Scriptural reference, "There is a time for everything: a time to log on and a time to log OFF."  (My paraphrase, of course.)

     Too Many Choices:  I can remember a time when the milkman delivered his product to our doorstep and we were content to accept the singular form of it which he offered.  Nowadays, a trip to the grocery store presents us with the challenge of choosing between whole milk, 2% milk, fat-free milk, chocolate milk, strawberry milk, soy milk, almond milk, canned milk, condensed milk, sweetened condensed milk... the list is nearly endless.  Exhaustively reviewing those options (and countless other daily options presented to us) is linked to perfectionism in an individual's life, and it is miserable trying to be a perfectionist in an imperfect world.  Some people spend much time weighing their options, reading and re-reading the labels, comparing unit prices, looking over the ingredients and nutritional information on every package of every choice of every product in the store.  Even then, having made their purchase, they are plagued with doubt and concern over whether or not they bought the best item.  Obviously, making some comparisons and considering healthy benefits of various products is not, in and of itself, the issue here.  It is the mindset that the choice we make must be perfect... the best possible option.  It is simply a waste of time and energy that could be spent in much more productive activities.   This issue of choices does not confine itself to the grocery store shelves.  Our modern world puts before us a countless array of choices for nearly every single thing in our daily life. Not everything in life must be a ground shaking, life-changing decision.  Consider your own desire. If you do not see Biblical admonition warning against it, and if one choice does not clearly present itself as the best one, then do what you want. You may feel free to do so, knowing that God will sovereignly work out His plan for your life through your desires and choices.
"For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."
(Philippians 2:13)

     And so, our look into the world of depression and its causes continues.  Seemingly, there is no end.  But trust me, there is.  My blog will not forever concentrate on this singular issue, but for now (and in the next two or three posts) we will continue to take a quick look at some of the other causes for depression that have been determined by the medical community.  It is my desire that in doing so, your eyes might be opened to the Truth as given in God's Holy Word, His book of wisdom and instruction for our daily lives.  Not long ago a popular little song hit the air waves and became an instant success:  "Don't Worry, Be Happy."  The whistling songster called us to put worry behind and live in carefree happiness.  Okay, so that is not always an option.  Sometimes life does deal a hefty blow or two.  However, much of the worry and depression that accompanies it is self-induced... and Scripture has a clear, concise method of dealing with it.
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?  Who of you by worrying (in a state of perpetual depression) can add a single hour to his life?"
(Matthew 6:25-27)


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