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Monday, December 30, 2013

I Know the One Who Is Able

The final installment of our look into depression and its causes will focus on some physical and medical information:  (1) the use of birth control pills, (2) prescription medications, and (3) thyroid disease. 

The use of birth control pillsIn no way am I advocating that the use of birth control pills should be banned, so  let me make that abundantly clear at the onset.  It is important to understand that birth control medications contain high levels of synthetic progesterone.  Since high levels of progesterone are produced during a pregnancy, the use of the medication "tricks" the body into thinking it is already pregnant, thus preventing the uterus from accepting a fertilized egg.  The debate over birth control in any of its forms is a heated issue among many Christians.  Since God gave the direction to Adam and Eve to "...go forth and multiply," there are those who believe the opening and closing of the womb should be left solely to the discretion of the Lord.  Others feel it is irresponsible to bring children into the world if the parent(s) is unable to adequately support them.  Some argue that using birth control pills gives women and men the freedom to be promiscuous and engage in sexual activity outside the bonds of marriage.  Like so many issues, there are as many opinions on this subject as there are individuals willing to voice them.  This much I can say in good conscience:  If using birth control medication is proven to be the cause for depression in your life, then stop doing it.  There are many alternative methods that can be applied to help prevent unwanted or unplanned pregnancies.  The arrival of a child into the world should always be cause for celebration, so if a pill prevents that from happening (due to prolonged depression) it is time to look at other options.

Prescription medication usageDepression is a frequent side effect of various prescription medications.  In our world today, people want a quick fix to everything that bothers them.  The use of pills and prescription "remedies" is epidemic throughout the world, and the prescription medication industry is both huge and tremendously powerful.  Multiple billions of dollars are generated and spent every year in order to offer a "fix" for our problems, whether emotional or physical.  Often the answer may be as close as our refrigerator door and the foods with which we feed our bodies.  Lack of exercise and other poor health habits contribute greatly to a large portion of the physical illnesses and maladies of today's lifestyles.  Attempting to solve health issues by simply reaching for a bottle of pills may not be the answer.  The medication may, in fact, only mask the symptoms and present a whole new variety of issues all its own.  Caution and prayerful consideration must be exercised in conjunction with health problems and their treatment.  Not all medications are bad, by any means.  Many have been provided by God for our benefit and use.  However, as with all good things, when abused they become the impetus for even greater health issues.  Rather than looking for an "instant fix" to our problems, perhaps we would be wiser to look at the underlying causes for them... things like obesity, poor nutrition, lack of physical exercise, not enough sleep, and a multitude of other bad habits we have cultivated in life.  Addressing those may be the only "fix" we need, and the pill bottle can remain on the pharmacist's shelf.

Thyroid diseaseClosely linked to the previous cause mentioned, there is a disease which is easily treatable.  The thyroid gland has been called the "master gland of energy and metabolism" and serves in a crucial way in the human anatomy.  The only real way to determine if thyroid disease may be the cause of depression in a person is to perform the diagnostic tests available, consider the symptoms or complaints of a patient, and sometimes simply try using thyroid supplement to see if it helps.  This approach should certainly be closely directed and monitored by a physician.  Although God is certainly able to heal, it should be noted here that He sometimes does so by providing us with the necessary medications and medical intervention we need to that end. 

So there you have it:  The leading causes for depression as identified by the World Health Organization.  I would like to add one more to that list.  When our spiritual walk is not properly attended to, we may be certain that issues of depression, sadness, guilt, anger, and more will permeate our lives.  It is only by staying in a close personal relationship with our Creator that we can grab hold of the abundant life He has promised.  I hope these last few posts might have shed some light on the issue of depression for those who read them.  I am by no means professing to have all the answers or know how to treat every cause for depression, but I do know the One who is able. 

"… It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”
(Deuteronomy 31:8)

"I waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD."  
Psalms 40:1-3

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