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Monday, January 6, 2014

Waiting on God

It has never been easy for me to wait, but the longer I walk in faith with the Lord the more I come to realize that waiting for His perfect timing in life is something I must learn to cultivate.  Recently, I completed all the requirements needed to receive my degree from seminary.  However, because the institution only holds graduation exercises once each year (in June), I must wait until that time comes around in 2014 before I can "walk" and receive my actual degree on paper.  That's just the way it is, and my complaining or wishing it would be different will not change that.  It would only make me miserable to myself and everyone around me. 

At this time we are awaiting the birth of our tenth grandchild, to be born early in this new year.  As I talk to my daughter over the phone I hear the weariness in her voice and the desire to be done with the pregnancy aspect of this newest arrival.  She longs now to hold that baby in her arms and interact with him or her face-to-face.  The waiting time seems unbearable.  She knows, however, that trying to rush the birth could be dangerous to herself and most certainly to the child forming inside her.  The baby's lungs are not quite ready for their work outside the womb.  As each day passes the child grows stronger and more prepared for the rigors of the birth process and entry into this world.  So, with patient understanding, our daughter waits on the Lord to determine that exact moment when a new life will enter into humanity.  We will certainly all share in a glorious celebration when that time comes.

2014 promises to be a time of change for my life.  I am leaving a staff position with a church where I have served for the past 3+ years and have no real idea exactly where God will be sending me.  I do know that He has asked me to step out in faith once again and to trust Him to lead and direct my path.  For now, it would seem, the Lord has determined that I should wait and rest as I ready myself for further service.  I must admit to feeling a bit worn out after a year of full-time schooling in seminary, a second training program at a different school, service to my church, and the rigors of being a wife, mother, grandmother, and homemaker.  In truth, I know I probably really need a little resting time for renewal and preparation for all that lies ahead.

In the book of Ruth, we can read about this kind woman who was completely devoted to her mother-in-law, Naomi.  Ruth was willing to do whatever it took to insure that both she and Naomi had the benefits of a home and food.  She had lost her husband (Naomi's son) to death and could easily have returned to her own family, but she chose to remain with her mother-in-law believing that it was the place where God would have her be.  It is a touching story of devotion and strength in the face of deep loss.  Through Ruth's story we can learn that loss at any level does not mean that life is over.  The sun will still rise in the morning, and our lives will go on according to the choices we make.  We must choose to believe that God will "... work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His word."  (Romans 8:28)  Ruth continued to serve Naomi and placed her faith in God to provide opportunity for her along the way.  Indeed He did.  In fact, as Ruth obediently rested at the feet of Boaz, God began a miraculous turn of events that would end in bountiful blessings far beyond anything she could have generated through her own efforts.  (The book of Ruth is only 4 chapters long, and I urge you to read the entire story for yourself.)

Often in this life we are asked to wait patiently and believe on the Lord for His perfect timing and His bountiful blessings.  It is not always comfortable for us to do so.  For some of us, patience just doesn't come easily.  Nonetheless, when we learn to rest in God, we give Him the opportunity to work on our behalf to bring about things we could never dream for ourselves and certainly could never accomplish in our own strength or efforts.  We must let loose of the steering wheel so that God can drive us into the places where He would have us be.

If you have been fervently working to provide for yourself or others, perhaps it is time for you to take a rest and wait quietly upon Almighty God to do that which you cannot do for yourself.  Spend much time in prayer and allow your faith to grow until the fullness of His timing.  He will birth in your life that which you could never dream of doing under your own strength.  The story of Ruth is one of restoration and redemption which led to a place of honor for her in the bloodline of Jesus Christ.  What is God wanting to do in your life?  Do you trust Him enough to let go of the steering wheel and let Him do the driving?

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
(Isaiah 40:31)

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