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Thursday, August 8, 2013

I Am Not Joyce Meyer

I suppose, like many of you I have often come across people in my lifetime whom I admire greatly.  In my younger years, that admiration often took the form of imitation.  Even my youngest children sought to imitate their older siblings.  Try as I might, I could never quite convince the older one that was a blessing, a sign of respect and admiration.  They just thought it was irritating and petitioned me loudly to make their younger sibling quit. 

In my 20’s I wanted to be anyone other than who I was.  Mostly, my admiration fell upon those in the public eye… namely, the entertainment industry.  I watched famous actresses and singers with great envy and dreamed of what life as them would be.  In the years that have passed, most of them are either dead (from drug overdoses, alcoholism, or suicide) or have disappeared from the public eye altogether. 

Then, when I was saved through Christ Jesus, I began to shower my admiration on famous Christians… Sandi Patty, to be specific.  I bought her cassettes (remember, I’m talking about my 30’s—there were no CD’s back then), I purchased the sheet music of her songs, I even got hold of accompaniment tapes (again with the cassettes) to her music and felt quite sure that I had mastered each and every one of them.  (Sadly, I still have most of those cassettes and they sit unused in my office closet somewhere.)  While I experienced a modicum of success in Christian circles trying to emulate and channel Sandi’s talent, I was never able to quite reach that pinnacle of success she had achieved. 

Eventually, I gave up on that dream and began to live a silent life of resignation that I would never be Sandi Patty.  My 40’s came and went uneventfully:  little progress in my faith and no progress toward everlasting fame and fortune.  Then my 50’s rolled around.  Yikes!  50’s??!!  Suddenly—overnight—I was old and had accomplished nothing of any real significance… or so I thought.  Those years from 50 -59 were some of my bleakest years.  I felt unappreciated, underutilized, and totally worthless most of the time, but I concealed those feelings well.  The people around me saw only the façade of the woman who diligently tended to her home, her husband, and her church.  They recognized me from the yellow “Smiley Face button” expression I wore from day to day, never imagining the emptiness and frustration that filled the corners of my heart.

And then 60 appeared out of nowhere.  I was 60 years old!!  I probably had more life behind me than before me.  Now what was I going to do?  Perhaps out of sheer desperation I began a radical practice… one that few others would ever understand or embrace.  I began to pray, asking God to speak directly to me; me—this worthless nothing of a woman who had never accomplished anything great for His kingdom.  And speak He did!  I was shocked at the things He had to say to me.  People began to surface and re-enter my life to share their love, admiration, and respect for the “difference” I had made in their lives.  Scripture began to take on a personal significance in my heart.  I started to realize that God’s Word was more than pages in a dusty, seldom opened book that lay on my coffee table from day to day.  It was real… it was alive… and it was meant for me!  Me!  Me!!!!  God’s promises and provisions were for ME.

In my 61st year of life, the great God of all creation placed a call upon my heart.  He told me simply, “Go back to college.  Get an education in the Scriptures.  Prepare yourself for the job I have for you.”  My response:  You’re kidding, right?!  I’m 61 years old.  I have no money for tuition and I certainly cannot fly off to some college campus somewhere, leaving my husband and home behind.  What can you possibly have in mind, Lord?”  Nonetheless, one thing I have learned in my walk with God is that when He calls your name you need to listen and obey.  It’s just that simple.  Now, I cannot tell you that I have received a lot of support from those around me (excepting my ever-faithful and supportive husband).  To most of them I suppose I’m viewed as a novelty of sort; the little old woman who has put herself back into college, as if she’ll ever really be able to do anything of significance at her age.  “Isn’t she cute?”  Well, I would not call myself “cute,” just obedient.  And I know that God always honors obedience.

One person, when informed of my decision to enter seminary, responded in this way:  “So, I suppose you’re going to be another Joyce Meyer, huh?”  To that, I give a resounding “NO!”  There is only one Joyce Meyer, and I am not she.  Joyce has been given a ministry by Almighty God.  She has been anointed by the Holy Spirit to reach people and make a difference in lives the world over.  In fact, she has ministered to me often through her books and her television broadcasts.  I thank God for Joyce Meyer.  I, however, am Patricia Eikmeier.  I have been given my own set of spiritual gifts, natural abilities, and talents.  God has a plan for my life.  He is even now preparing a vital ministry for me.  I no longer feel the need (or even the desire) to be anyone other than who my Lord has created me to be.

This blog is a beginning.  I will trust in God to determine its power, its influence, and its reach.  Not only can I not control those things… I couldn’t even set this up without my daughter-in-love’s help (that would be our precious Heather).  You see, I am still quite “technologically challenged,” but praise the Lord that He has provided to me Heather’s expertise and a way to begin reaching out to others with a few of the revelations He has provided to me.  I pray they will be of encouragement and comfort to you.

 “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord;  thoughts and plans to bless you and not to harm you.  Plans for a hope and a future.”  Isaiah 29:11

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