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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Right Passion, Wrong Place

For most of my life I have been fascinated by words.  Some of my earliest and most endearing memories involve hours spent with my nose buried in a Nancy Drew mystery.  When I was reading those books I became Nancy- sifting through the clues, daring and persistent, until the guilty culprit was revealed and the mystery solved.  Then high school rolled around and I was introduced to The Scarlet Letter, A Tale of Two Cities, The Telltale Heart, and a plethora ( I told you I love words) of other classics that pulled me into the intoxicating world of literature and showed me the real power of words.  I began to experiment with my own attempts at communicating thoughts through the medium of writing, which usually managed to earn me a better-than-average grade in English classes, but never really took me any further.

Throughout the years I've toyed with writing... mostly because I simply could not help myself.  Even today I write copious letters and send out numerous notes of encouragement to people.  The telephone is great, and the internet is amazing, but I believe there is something special about receiving a letter in the mailbox and knowing that someone cared enough to take time to put thoughts to pen on your behalf.  Sometimes I write humorous adaptations of fairy tales inserting my name and life experiences into letters sent to my sister in Michigan.  They make her laugh, and she's always good for some words of encouragement about how wonderfully creative and talented I am.  (Sisters can be that way when they want.)  I have a wonderful friend named Norma.  She has often requested that I write down some of my stories and recollections, but I failed to take her seriously all these many years.  Sorry, Norma.

About three years ago I accepted a staff position as Director of Music at a local Baptist church.  With that job came a request that I compose an article monthly for the church newsletter, which I quickly took to heart.  The first one or two articles addressed the nuances of music in the worship service.  There was one article calling for more people to consider joining the choir.  It wasn't long, however, before those articles began to morph into commentaries concerning an insight or God-given revelation from my life.  It also wasn't long before I was called into the pastor's office and gently reminded that my job was to address the music ministry and not give my thoughts on matters of personal spiritual growth (or the lack thereof), discipleship versus evangelism, or what the real purpose of the church should be in today's world.  It was a difficult meeting for me, and I left the pastor's office disillusioned and feeling totally unappreciated.  I've thought about that simple confrontation many times since that day.  In truth, I just stopped submitting any articles for the newsletter because I was busy nursing my crushed toes.  (Our pastor is a big man, and when he "steps on your toes" you know they've been stepped on!)  Sometimes it takes awhile for the Lord to get a clear message through to me, but I thank Him for His persistence.  I've recently come to understand that I had the right passion.  My motives were pure.  I just tried to interject them into the wrong place.  That monthly newsletter is not the forum through which God would have me reach others.  It is a newsletter... nothing more and nothing less.

Now, I have no idea if this blog will ever be read by more than my closest circle of friends who are seeking to humor me by taking an occasional peak at it, but it is possible that God may use it far beyond anything I can imagine or hope for.  After all, isn't that what Scripture tells us:  "Now to Him Who, by the power that is at work within us, is able to do super-abundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think-- to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever.  Amen."  (Ephesians 3:20)  I know this much:  In this place I am free to express myself and share any insight or words of wisdom which may be given to me by my gracious God without fear of admonition.  That, I am told, is the beauty of a blog.

It was never a matter of whether what I have to say is pertinent or even appropriate.  No.  It was purely a matter of trying to say it in the wrong place and at the wrong time.  Besides, there was never enough room in that little newsletter for me to fully express my thoughts anyway.  Our poor administrative assistant was continually challenged with trying to fit my article into limited space without reducing the font to something that would require using the Hubble telescope to read it.  I really only regret that he did not feel free to talk directly to me about the issue, but went to the pastor to "call my attention to the matter."  (That basic issue, by the way, is an entire post of its own, and one that I will surely address in the future.  Stay tuned for further word on that.)  But praise the Lord... enter the internet and the wonderful world of blogging.  Now I have the freedom and the forum to share my thoughts.  In the immortal words of Tony the Tiger,  "This is gr-r-reat!!"  Whether or not I ever become world renowned, I will certainly find a level of fulfillment in being able to do something for which God has gifted me.  (By the way, is there such a thing as "world renowned" in blogging?) Writing is my passion.  I have a love affair going with words.  And now I know how to get them out to people I may never even meet in this lifetime.

Right passion, right place.  Now that's a winning combination!

"But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth."  Acts 1:8

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