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Monday, August 12, 2013

Which Side of the Door Are You On?

Most of us have seen the famous picture/painting of Jesus Christ standing in a garden outside a door, knocking.  There is something interesting about that picture that may have escaped your notice.  Look carefully... there is no door knob on that door.  Christ couldn't open it if He wanted to.  He stands patiently, knocking gently (Christ doesn't pound on things like Krushchev), waiting for someone to come to the door and open it.  He was exceedingly patient as He knocked on the door of my heart.  In truth, I did open it just a crack on a few occasions.  I even recognized who was on the other side and politely acknowledged His presence.  I just didn't open the door widely and invite Him in... at least not for many years.

Not long ago I was puttering around my home when I heard a loud knock at the front door.  Admittedly, I did not rush to the door and fling it open in wild abandon.  I tend to be a bit more cautious and concerned for my safety than that.  Instead, I went to a window that afforded me the option of taking a look at my front porch to see who was standing there.  Two men, neither of whom I had ever seen before, were waiting for my answer.  When I didn't immediately open the door, one of them knocked again, even louder and with more gusto than the first knock.  By that time, I had stepped away from the window and determined that opening the door to them was not only unwise, but potentially dangerous, so I just waited quietly within the safety of my home and with my cell phone in hand; in fact, I'd already dialed 911 and just needed to press the "Talk" button to place that call.  After a few moments had passed, the two men resigned themselves to no response, so they walked away, mumbling to each other.  I don't know what they were saying, and frankly I don't much care.  It was enough for me that they left, and that once again I felt safe and comfortable in my home.  My door had been locked to those two men and it stayed locked.

The painting of Jesus knocking at the door is an artist's interpretation of Christ's attempt to enter into our hearts (based on an analogy given in Scripture).  It is not a historical snapshot.  Now, I'm about to make a statement here that you may find radical:  I believe Christ is not the only one who knocks at the door of our heart.  Sometimes Satan uses that approach to enter into our lives.  He stands, quite unassumingly, knocking repeatedly.  He is persistent... even more persistent than the two men on my porch.  If we take a peek, he may seem non-threatening, even benign.  Perhaps he's clothed in a nice suit, freshly shaven, and with highly polished shoes.  He may represent everything good the world has to offer.  It's tempting to open the door just a crack to see what it is he has to propose.  The danger here is that, unlike our tender loving Savior, when we open the door just a crack to Satan, he forces his way in and brings with him all his loyal minions who had been hiding in the bushes while he gained initial entry.  One he's in and his troops follow, we are in peril and in need of immediate rescue.

The point of all this is simple.  I am in control of the doorknob to my heart and life.  Christ can only enter in when I am willing to open the door to Him.  So it is with Satan.  The choice is mine who I invite into my life.  Now, once Jesus enters into my heart and life, then He stands on the inner side of that door and He can control the knob.  It becomes Christ Himself who will use that opportunity to open the door to blessings and experiences of His mighty power to me.  He holds the Key of David; it is He "...who opens the door and no one shall shut, who shuts and no one shall open."  (Revelation 3:7b)  All too often I have found myself lamenting the lack of power and influence I possess in my personal life and ministry.  In truth, there is no one to blame for that but myself.  I have often heard Jesus knocking and I know I should open the door to Him, but it just seems so inconvenient at the moment.  After all, I'm a busy woman and I'm just not sure I have time to complete all that Christ wants me to do and still accomplish all that I want to do.  I've been working hard on some of my goals for a very long time.  There's been no breakthrough yet, but I'm sure it's coming... sometime.

Friends, I can work for a lifetime trying to accomplish the goals I have set for myself and still never see them come to fruition.  If the Lord has not opened those doors with the key only He possesses, my wheels will forever be spinning and I will never know the joy of His blessings upon my work here on earth.  It is time for me to put aside those things I desire to do and open the door of my heart and life to the work to which Christ is calling me.  When He opens those doors, they will not be closed.  And when He closes doors, they will not be opened.  Not by man, not by Satan, not by all the demons of hell.  If you are struggling fruitlessly to create a ministry for yourself, earn man's praise, or secure your own personal admiration for all you've accomplished, I can promise you that Jesus Christ will continually close doors in your face.  You will experience frustration after frustration, just as I did for so many years.  "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord..."  Opening the door of my heart and life to the leading of Jesus Christ promises His blessings and His power.  Without Him, I can do nothing.

"I know your  works and what you are doing.  See!  I have set before you a door wide open which no one is able to shut; I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My Word and guarded My message and have not renounced or denied My name."
(Revelation 3:8)

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