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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Start Where You Are

I would suppose that the one thing, the question that keeps most of us from achieving significant things in life, is:  Where do I start?  The answer, though simple, is also evasive and often hard to identify.  It is:  Start where you are. 

In this day and age of marvelous technology—GPS units, Garmin, even MapQuest or Google Earth applications all rely on one simple piece of information in order to provide us with clear directions on how to get where we want to be:  What is your starting point?  Even the pioneers had to establish a location from where they would embark upon their perilous journey across mountains and deserts.  In the years of maps and trip planning, the first step was to mark the place from where we were beginning in order to determine how we would arrive at our final destination.  Shopping malls provide maps to locate the stores they contain, and each one bears a mark that clearly states, “You Are Here”.    Armed with the information of where we are starting our journey, we can embark upon that trip with purpose and assurance that we will ultimately reach our destination if we check our progress periodically along the way and make sure we don’t wander off the assigned route.

Don’t misunderstand me here.  Sometimes, we cannot clearly identify what our final destination may be.  Perhaps God has not yet uncovered that information for us.  So it is for me right now.  Although I know beyond doubt that my Lord has called me to step out in faith, I must freely admit that I don’t have a clue where He intends for me to ultimately arrive.  That does not mean, however, that I am powerless to establish some stops for myself along the way.

When I first determined that God was directing me toward entering into seminary training, the thought of embarking on such an unknown journey was intimidating, if not downright scary.  Since I had (and still have) no idea of my final destination, I decided to constitute some landmarks by which I could measure my progress.  The first thing was to determine which seminary I would attend.  Thanks to the wonders of the internet, I was able to peruse through the catalogs and websites of numerous seminaries in relative proximity to where I live.  (I believed then, and still believe, that God does not intend for me to leave my husband and home behind as I seek to obey His call.)  I also decided it would be wise to seek the counsel of people I respected, other devoted Christians.  I eventually narrowed my field of choices to three good prospects… and then I really started to pray.  Just about the time I had decided I knew which one was the seminary for me, God sprang a surprise on me (as He often does) and I received an e-mail from a pastor-friend of mine encouraging me to investigate Covington Theological Seminary.  To make a moderately long story short, Covington was definitely the place God had in mind for me.  Had I simply sat in wait for a lightning bolt to give me direction, I would most probably still be sitting.  No, I needed to take a step forward in faith believing that God would direct my steps and begin to mark out the “road map” He has planned for me.  I have often told my own children:  “It is impossible to steer a parked car.  You have to put the thing in gear and begin to move forward in order to direct those wheels.”  (Don’t you just hate it when your own words come back to haunt you?)  With my first semester successfully completed, I needed to find another landmark for myself.  Choosing the courses for summer on-line studies kept me moving.  I’ve completed those and am now prepared to attend enrollment for the fall semester later this month.  The point here is simple:  Once I accepted my personal starting point and amassed all the documentation of my past education (needed in order to enroll for my first semester at Covington), I was able to set some goals along the way and trust in God to keep me on track.

The amazing thing about a map directing us from one point to another is that there is always more than one way to make the trip.  I can drive into town using the shortest route possible, or I can choose the way that is the most scenic.  I can determine which way will afford me the best gas mileage or which route will lead me around unwanted construction zones.  Once I’ve determined my ultimate goal in reaching my destination, I’m ready to start out… from right where I am.  However, if I spend too much time contemplating all the possibilities without ever making a choice, the opportunity to actually embark upon the trip may pass me by.  Planning is good—to a point.  But sometimes, we are called to simply step out in faith and trust in God to do the steering.  When I first began this amazing journey, my husband asked, “So where is all this leading, honey?  What does this look like in the end?”  I could only offer one answer:  “I don’t know, Bob.  If I knew, I guess I would be following a plan, not walking in faith.”  My wonderful friend of 30+ years, Norma, once told me, “Faith is a muscle; it only grows stronger when we exercise it.”  (I will confess here that I sometimes feel like the Arnold Schwarzenegger of faith at this point, but that’s not a bad thing.  Just look how far Arnold has come… then again, let’s not.) 

The whole point here is that it is absolutely crucial we identify where we are before we begin to make plans to get somewhere else.  That done, we can begin to move forward in our plans and in faith for God’s ultimate leading and direction for our journey.  Along the way, we’re bound to run into a few obstacles… roadblocks, should we choose to follow the analogy.  Right now, I have no idea where the money will come from for tuition payments in the months ahead.  I’m down to my last payment reserve, which I squirreled away during a brief time of prosperity earlier in the year.  However, that money appeared in the nick of time all those months ago, so why should I doubt that God will provide the necessary funds once again when I need them?  My job is to keep moving forward while the Lord steers me and clears the road ahead.

I have no idea where you are in your life or to where God may be calling you.  Perhaps you’re wondering how you will ever make such a demanding trip or how to even get started.  My words to you are simply, “Start where you are, friend.”  Take a good hard look at your circumstances, your assets, and your needs.  Do what you are able to do for yourself… then exercise your faith muscle like never before and believe in God for miracles.  The God of Abraham and Isaac is the same God today as He was then.  He is still a God who delights in performing miracles for His children.  He knows exactly how to get you where He wants you to be, but you must choose to obediently step out in faith.  I pray that Almighty God will guide each step, open each door, and meet each need as it is presented… and that you will believe Him all the way.

“A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure.” 
Proverbs 16:9

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